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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you want to know more about the submission process? What about our class? The journal itself? These are some frequently asked questions from our readers and contributors.

If your questions are not answered on this page, don't be afraid to reach out! We'd love to hear from you, and answer any and all questions you may have. 


What is the class called? When can I sign up?

Our class is called Literary Publications, or English 313. It's offered at NDSU during the spring semester every year. See if the class is right for you by checking out our About Us page

How old do you need to be to submit?

This depends on what the class decides. Some of our journals have youth sections, and others do not. However, there is no age limit to submit to Northern Eclecta. This will be information that will be posted by the staff of Northern Eclecta when the class decides whether those under 18 years old will be included in the final journal.

 How can I see more information about Northern Eclecta?

Check out our About us Page for more information about our class and our timelines. You can also check out our social media pages. If you want to know more about the history of Northern Eclecta, a great place to do that is in the For the Readers sections of our journals, which are available in our free Archives.

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 Do I get paid for getting my work published?

No. Contributors to Northern Eclecta do not get paid. However, your work will be put into our journal and put onto our website. Contributors also get a free physical copy of our published journal at the end of the semester when we print.

Who can submit to the journal?

 Anyone and everyone can submit to Northern Eclecta. Regardless of age, gender, background, location, or affiliation with NDSU, you can submit to our journal. If you are a creator, of any kind, you can submit your work with us. 

Is there a limit on how much one person can submit or get published to the journal?

No. Anyone can submit as much as they want to the journal, and all of that work will be voted on by the class as to whether or not it is accepted into the journal.

Does anyone get priority for submitting to the journal?

No. Everyone who submits to the journal has the same chances to get published. We read the pieces blind, meaning that we don’t know who submitted the pieces to the journal. We take out all identifying information of the creator and accept submissions based on what we think best fits our theme. We only vote on the work submitted. 

How can I become a part of Northern Eclecta?

There are a ton of ways to be a part of Northern Eclecta. You can create something to submit to the journal, keep up to date by following our social media pages, read our blog and learn more about our staff.


If you are an NDSU student, you can also join our class in the spring.

How will I know what the theme is for the journal?

The theme for the journal is chosen by the Literary Publications class in early January. The theme will then be advertised when submissions open. If you have suggestions for what you think the theme should be, check out the For Our Readers tab, and leave your ideas for the literary publications class to discuss. There is a form at the bottom of the page to submit your ideas.

I felt accomplished knowing I had a role in the creation of a professional journal that focused on showcasing the wide variety of talent on campus and in the greater community. 

Emily Post

I worked on the journal last year just as a member of the design team and I loved it. I’m glad I was able to come back and lead the wonderful group I have.

Kylie Menge

I joined Northern Eclecta because I love the peer review process and want to make people’s pieces shine.

Cody Goehring

I’m participating in the production of Northern Eclecta and having a blast doing it!

Jack Johnson

This is what the staff of 2023 has to say about Literary Publications and Northern Eclecta:

To learn more from the staff of Northern Eclecta, check out our blogs

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